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Spain June 26th


Webcast Vikramji with deeksha givers
Spain, June 26th  2011





V = Vikramji

R = Roberto


V: "Yes, I can see. There's not enough light, Roberto."


R: "There's not much light? Okay we have fixed the lights."


V: "Yes. Yes."


R: "Can you see the people?"


V: "Yes. Yes. I can see all of you. Yes. Namaste all of you!"


Group: "Namaste! Namaste! Namaste! Namaste!"


V: "Yes, Roberto"


R: "Yes, I sent - the questions; can you see them?"


V: "Yes, I see the questions."


R: "For me, it would be perfect if you could read the questions, I translate and then you answer."


V: "Yes; we will do that."



Q1: "The first question is: Is there only one awakening or several little awakenings?"


Vikramji: "Awakening is a never ending journey, but there is a point of no return after that, the journey continues. What we call awakening, the first level, is when your suffering comes down to below thirty minutes. Any charge, any pain comes down to below thirty minutes; then we call it awakening.


The next stage is when you're suffering, or your pain - now we are suffering for years together, for lifetimes - when the suffering comes to thirty minutes, and at the second stage it comes down to below five minutes. You're angry about something or about someone; if it lasts for five minutes and then it disappears, or within five minutes it disappears, we call it: you've reached the second level of awakening.


And slowly you go on progressing, but finally there is no suffering. Suffering disappears immediately through awareness. So suffering comes down to four minutes, three minutes, two minutes, one minute. It becomes more and more difficult. The last stages become more and more difficult. When it comes to zero, then immediately you become free of the suffering in a second, spontaneously. This full awakening, when you reach zero suffering, we call it enlightenment.


So awakening is a never ending journey. The goal is to come to below thirty minutes and slowly move towards zero minutes, zero seconds. Our focus is not only to become awakened; our focus is also to become God-realized.


So we want to give you both the experiences permanently, the experience of Buddha and the experience of Christ together for each one of us. Buddha is enlightenment, and Christ is God-realized. So we are trying to give you both. We are trying to make you into Buddha and Christ together."


Vikramji: "Should I repeat again, Roberto?"


R: "No. I understand. Thank you."


Vikramji: "Shall we put it a second question?"


R: "Yes, please."


Q2: "So as Deeksha givers we let the trainers guide us. When the guidance is not there we cannot expand Deeksha. How can we have tools to reach other people without the trainer's help?"


Vikramji: "The role of the guides and the trainers is to connect you to your inner Divine, connect you to your AmmaBhagavan, to make you realize that each one of us has a personal God ready to respond to us, ready to reach out to us. So the guides and the trainers act more like facilitators helping you to connect to the Divine through teachings, through meditations, through guidance. And once you get connected to your Divine, automatically after that there is only you and your Divine. If somewhere you get - you are not able to proceed in that connection with the Divine, we again help you to continue that connection. As you connect to the Divine, automatically through you, other people will come closer to the Divine, discover Deeksha, discover Oneness - everything will happen. For that [to happen], first you must connect to your Divine. That is the first and the last step.


Then the Divine will tell you, 'Go and help this person; help that person; he needs your help, go and talk this to him.' Everything will the Divine - your Divine will start communicating to you to help others [through] Oneness or AmmaBhagavan or Deeksha; [it] will continue in this manner. Through word of mouth, as you speak to the other person of your own experiences, they will start attending Deeksha, and they will have breakthroughs, and like that we will go on spreading Oneness.


Our goal is to create 70,000 awakened beings. Once we attain that number, everything else is automatic. So we have to work towards that direction so that our mission to enlighten the whole of humanity will be achieved."


V: "Shall we move to the third question, Roberto?"


R: "Yes, we can. Thank you very much."



Q3: "Sometimes in my person I feel I am not growing. At the workshops I feel there is learning, but how can I feel I am growing all the time?"


Vikramji: "The first and most important thing you must realize is the state that we experience is being given by our Divine. So the state is not important, but the Being who gives you that state is more important than the state itself. So when you give importance to the state and not to the Being who gave you that state, slowly you degenerate.


So how do you keep growing? By strengthening your connection with your inner Divine. And how do you strengthen that connection? You first practice inner integrity. You stay with the truth about yourself. Face the truth about yourself. Accept yourself. Love yourself.


Ask the Divine to give you strength to face all that because it is not easy to accept yourself; it is like facing a tiger in front of you. So that inner integrity will keep you grounded, and that truth about yourself will strengthen your connection with the Divine. And regularly you can chant the Moola Mantra. You can take Deekshas from the Sri Murthi, from AmmaBhagavan's picture - all that will strengthen your connection with the Divine, which will make you face the truth about yourself so that you continue to grow all the time.


And you could also practice bhakti yoga at your own home and strengthen that connection. Until you become a trainer, you cannot teach others, but you can do it yourself at your own home. This is at-home bhakti yoga. So your growth depends upon your intent that you must continue to learn. So the learning happens - yes - the learning happens by facing yourself, accepting yourself, and loving yourself. And slowly this will make you attain peace with yourself.


This very peace, after some time, will bring about a lot of things more?? and that also you learn to face more with inner integrity. You need further strength to face all that truth about yourself, all your ugliness; for that, invoke AmmaBhagavan's presence, or your inner Divine's strength, to face that so that you sink deeper and deeper into peace."


V: "Shall we go onto the fourth question?"


R: "Yes, please."



Q4: "Some of the things we ask of the Divine are not answered, why?"


Vikramji: "There are two kinds of desires: desires from the heart, and the desires from the mind. So the desires from the heart are very natural, and it is easy for the Divine to fulfill those desires. The desires from the mind arise from greed, from hurts, from so many other things. So these desires are coming from comparisons, from hurts, from pain, from jealousy. So since these desires are coming from the mind, it is difficult for us to pray heartfully to the Divine, and internally you, yourself also feel that, 'I am not worth it; I am not ready for it; I really don't want it; I am just asking it for, for somebody else's sake; for comparison,' and all that. So many times you, yourself also become obstacle to fulfill that desire from the mind.


So the communication with the Divine is very weak, and your desire doesn't reach the Divine, and you don't get a full response. But any desire from your heart, which is natural, will definitely happen. And sometimes if it is not good for you - you don't know what the fulfillment of the desire, what kinds of problems it may create - so sometimes the Divine will not give it to you for your own safety. You'll understand all this only if you have a very good communication with the Divine. Then the Divine will tell you why He did not fulfill that desire."


V: "Shall we go to the next question, the fifth question?"


R: "Yes, please."



Q5: "How can we guide our children throughout the process? And it would be so wonderful to grow together."


Vikramji: "So whatever we have learned, we have to absorb all that knowledge; all those experiences must lead to insights and realizations. So as the guides and the trainers are speaking, you must apply those teachings in your life and see how they hold true. Bhagavan says truth if it is not yours, is still false. So you must first digest the truth; it must become your own personal reality. From that you can help your children.


Until then, with whatever knowledge you have learned, help your children, help your children connect to the Divine. Share your experiences that you have learned in the process and that will lead to their automatic growth. Then once you reach that stage, automatically you have grown, and you have become awakened. Then with that you can grow with your children furthermore, helping your whole family."


V: "So shall we move to the sixth question?"


R: "Yes, Vikramji."



Q6: "I understand that to expand Deeksha in my location, first I have to grow in consciousness myself so I can attract. Is that right?"


Vikramji: "The focus is not on growing higher in consciousness. The goal is to balance yourself to attain peace with yourself. So to attain peace with yourself - to attain peace with yourself, first you must know yourself, what you are.


Not focusing on the good qualities but the qualities which are damaging others and yourself. How we are so self-centered; we are indifferent to others; we are insensitive to others' pain - all this we must see as our personal truth. Once you decide ´this is bad, I should not have anger; I should not have jealousy,' and you fight with it, the mind will always win. You must first see that, 'Yes, I have anger! Yes, I have fear! Yes, I have jealousy!' - embrace all those qualities as part of yourself. As you accept your different qualities and as you love yourself, then slowly you progress towards becoming at peace with yourself. Then your inner violence will calm down; you'll be a more balanced being, and your very joy and happiness and your peace would attract others.

Because of your connection with your inner Divine and because of your peace, people will feel calmness around you, that peace around you. And people also would like to have it themselves, that kind of peace, that kind of calm. And people also will see so many good things happening around you, in your life, so they will naturally come close to you. And people who don't know you also will come to you.


There are a lot of people in this world who are seekers, who are seeking for help; who are seeking for a way out from this suffering. All such people would naturally connect to you from your area. They will come to you for help. And your role would be to connect them to their inner Divine. So that you interfere only when necessary, and your role is to only connect them to the Divine, connect them to their AmmaBhagavan.


All this will naturally make you grow in consciousness. How do you grow in consciousness? As you keep learning, observing - learning and growing - that leads to growth in consciousness.


So now before we conclude this session, we`ll just pray to AmmaBhagavan to give us awakening and God realization. We will sit in a meditative posture, close our eyes and join our palms, and ask AmmaBhagavan to bless us with awakening and God realization, to help us be ourselves. All the pain that the mind is trying to put us into becoming - you want to become like the other person, you want to become better – we are not able to be ourselves. That being ourselves is only awakening.


So we will chant Moola Mantra three times together; then we will do this prayer, and then I'll give an intent Deeksha. And then I will conclude my session with gratitude to the Divine. All of us would convey gratitude to the Divine; thanking AmmaBhagavan for their great vision and for reaching out to each one of us here. Out of seven billion people they have chosen us as their channels; thank them for that intent.


So chant Moola Mantra along with me three times, and after the Moola Mantra you can do your prayer. And if you have any other intent, communicate that here to your Divine."