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Omoneness Workshops OA/4

This Oneness Awakening Workshop was quite excellent. David’s choice of content was really well balanced. He told engaging stories, he included some relevant personal sharing and the oneness information was carefully chosen and informative. It was more than informative it was really excellent and an honest outline of techniques and understanding to change your reality.

He also included excellent processes, meditations and deeksha but more then this sensitivity and gentle open heart were an example to us all!


I feel much less separate. There was a beautiful sense of exploring the gift of myself on the second day, that and a sense of peace that has been rare this last year. And I feel I am much closer to God, this weekend helped to correct our relationship. We played and laughed.

I am Inspired. Thank you David, Love Nick

P.s on the first day I did some important work recognising some pain and limitation from my very early life that had been keeping me trapped and limited in my career and relationship.


As a practising Reiki master my thoughts on this amazing journey have concluded at the end of this two day course as peaceful and blissful and perfect the just the way it is.

I was originally hesistant to do the oneness awakening course but through knowing David and the beautiful person he is I fully trusted in him and the universe to assist me with making this decision and also to guide me without fear to be here today.

There were several (meant to be) coincidences that arose for me prior to the course and I felt I was definitely being prepared by the universe and angels to become  oneness blessing giver. I am honoured to carry this forward and share with the world and people that are sent to me and so blessed to know David.

Thank You. Love, Light and Blessings.    Helena

Have attended many oneness blessings previously and this experience being a two day course was the most divine and deepest experience. Thank You David for your beautiful guidance and graciousness.

I found the hand notes were most helpful in providing structure and background to the oneness blessings.

Oneness blessings is a lovely way to heal physically, spiritually, emotionally if you allow the divine to flow through and willing to let go.

Thank you David.  Love Skye

P.s Beautiful music and videos.

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