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Darshan with China Feb 3

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Q1. Dear Bhagavan, at the special deepening process I got witnessing consciousness of the big bird. Is it helpful to make my divine more physical to stay with big bird?  how can I stay with the big bird longer time easily? Thank you Bhagavan.


You could develop a bird's eye view or a worm's eye view of people and events. As you keep developing a bird's eye view for the incidences in your life, slowly you will move into the big bird. Initially it will be for short durations of time, but later on, it becomes almost all the time.


Q2. Dear Bhagavan, Oneness teaches stay with "what is" as long as possible. On the other hand we have to pray for the better situation. It seems kind of conflict. Please give us clarity. Thank you Bhagavan.


If you could stay with "the what is," that is the most wonderful situation. If you cannot do that, change "the what is" by praying.


Q3. Is our antarayamin the same as the universal divine or are they different? Bhagavan.Thank you Bhagavan.


They are the same and not the same. The universal divine manifests inside you as the antarayim. Ice and water are the same and not the same. It is something like that.


Q4. Beloved Bhagavan. There are people totally dominated by the mind in our society. The often tell lies and are concerned about their own interests. On the spiritual level and internally, I could see clearly these are the characters of the mind. That seeing brings acceptance and peace. However on the external level, I don't know how to deal with these people. For example in work and life. My direct communication with openness and honesty are often being made use of. Could you shine light on this point, please.Thank you Bhagavan.


If your heart has flowered, you will not have any problem with the external world. If your heart is not transformed and you only come from the head you are sure to have problems. In that case, you must know how to deal with the external world.


Q5. Dear Bhagavan. Thank you so much. You gave us the short way of awakening, transformation and God realization in December, 2013 In the internal growth journey, people always want to get the best results without effort. Could you please tell us what we should prepare before we get the short way. Thank you, Bhagavan.


Working on your relationships is the shortest way to get the short way.


Q6. Both the process to stay with the uncomfortable feeling and experience the emotion completely and the process that to stay with "the what is" and experience "what is" are all to bring us to the heart flowering Is there any difference between them Bhagavan? 


Every process ultimately leads to the flowering of the heart. Once the heart has flowered, you know what it is to live. And life around you changes. The external world responds very differently to you.


Q7. Dear Bhagavan. What is the relationship between spiritual, awakening and my reality life?


When you are awakened, you become spiritual. When you become spiritual, you get the best out of real life. Everything in real life is very, very enjoyable. Like drinking a glass of water, walking or talking, or doing a job for your business. Everything gives you energy. You start celebrating life.


Q8. Bhagavan. One's life is including birth and death. Is it because of one's karma of choice of one's soul, Bhagavan?


It is both karma and choice. If there is no choice, there is no life at all. The essence of man is total and complete freedom. In that space of freedom, man could experience infinite possibilities. It is that freedom which we call life. It is that freedom which we call God. If that freedom were not there, there is no life, and there is no God. But karma, to some extent limits your freedom.


Q9 Beloved Bhagavan, I love and benefit from your teachings meanwhile I like Buddhist pictures. I have a question, Bhagavan: What is the difference between Oneness, Buddhism and other faiths? How can I balance and make choice?


Oneness is not some independent thing. The essence of Oneness is freedom. You could choose whatever teaching you want. You could choose whatever teacher you want. You could choose whatever practice you want. Oneness would help you to realize those teachings. It could be Buddhist, or Taoist, or Islamic or Christian teaching. Or it could be your own teaching. Oneness merely helps you realize the teaching through a change your brain. We are essentially rewiring your brain. That is all we do. The choice is yours.


Q10. Thanks for telling us 2014 is a wealth year and according to the Chinese tradition, today is the day to welcome the God of fortune. You said poverty and prosperity both start from thought level. Bhagavan, I have been fighting with poverty all along and never, ever understand what poverty is. Could you please explain to me what poverty is. Thank you Bhagavan.


Poverty at the level of thought is all the time focusing on what you do not have. Wealth consciousness at the level of thought is focusing on what you have. If you have wealth consciousness, you would naturally become wealthy. You will see opportunities everywhere. Things would dramatically change for you. In your case, I would straight away bless you to acquire wealth consciousness and become wealthy.


Q11. Dear AmmaBhagavan. Happy New Year. Thank you very much for helping my relationships and help to change automatically. I got tremendous grace with the advanced trainers course and the special deepening. I would love to share Oneness and help fellow seekers. But my expression is stuck and I worry that if I share the teachings  my expression will not be clear enough. I deeply love oneness and want to devote myself to Oneness, but I still have these charges. How do I share. Oneness. Please guide me. Thank you vey much Bhagavan.


I will straightaway change that for you.


Q12. Dear Bhagavan. We understand that the mind has 6 needs. Sso how do we satisfy the needs of the mind without having attachment, Bhagavan? [certainty, variety, significance, love & connection, growth, contribution are the 6 needs taught in Oneness courses]


It is important that you fulfill these 6 needs. Initially start with attachment. As all the needs get fulfilled, attachment could drop away of its own accord. You should not try to drop attachment. That would become indifference. It should naturally happen to you and that would happen once all the needs are fulfilled.


Q13. We hear a lot of great miracles from the 3 chambers in India and other countries. When will this process start in Mainland China. Would you initiate a special version of it for China?


It would soon start in China. The divine has given us the go ahead.


Q14. Could you please tell us what we should do to support the Golden Age in 2014 what's China's role in the world for 2014.


Just wait and see. Tremendous things are doing to happen. You've got to enjoy all that. Let the excitement be there.

Love you all. Special blessings to all of you. May you become very very wealthy in this year. On this day, the blessings to you is for wealth.

Shall we meditate now?

Love you all, love you so much.



Transcript by Noni Kaufman. Gratitude to Tara Singh for posting the video and giving help with editing the transcript.