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2016 Daily Teachings June

Daily Teachings by Sri Bhagavan of Oneness University

When Oneness resolves sameness creates problems

The wall of separation is an illusion

Conversing with God is prayer

Devotion is the shortest way to Awakening

There are no pre requisites to experience grace other than a personal relationship with the divine

One of the greatest gifts you can  give anyone is the gift of attention and care

Geninue love can overcome quarrels, depression and even stress

What you can see outside is only a reflection of your relationship with yourself

Setting right relationships is a major step in the path of awakening

Relationships are the index of our life

You break relationships when your needs are not fulfilled

Your relationship are an interplay of personalities

True response can only arise when you experience life as it is

Your existence is relative to the existence of the Other

Listening to the other begins with listening to Oneself

Everything is Sacred

In stillness of thought you discover Oneness

God should not be a matter of belief but reality to you

Your life depends on the kind of God you have created

You crave because there an inner world

As you awaken to yourself, you would awake to the joys of relationship

When prayer is accurate, results would be instantaneous

Once the heart flowers there is love

Fear is only in the imagination 

Transformation is a benediction it does not involve time

Experiencing does not lead to freedom, experiencing is freedom

The greatest folly of man is to trying to understand himself and the world

A shift in consiousness bring about global transformation