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2016 Daily Teachings Feb

When you are integral things happen faster.…Sri AmmaBhagavan

A person with high consciousness level has high gratitude levels too.…Sri AmmaBhagavan

Every Sadhana affects your unconscious.…Sri AmmaBhagavan

You carry the ghost of the one you hate.…Sri AmmaBhagavan

Service is not a concept; but a response.…Sri AmmaBhagavan

Truth makes you humble.…Sri AmmaBhagavan

Bond is necessary for God to respond to you.…Sri AmmaBhagavan

Forgiveness happens when you know the other is not responsible.…Sri AmmaBhagavan

Possession stifels love.…Sri AmmaBhagavan

You will not be able to pray when you are desperate.…Sri AmmaBhagavan

Pain and pleasure are two sides of the same coin.…Sri AmmaBhagavan

In relationships, friendship arises only when there is unconditional love.…Sri AmmaBhagavan

Acceptance is the bedrock of spirituality.…Sri AmmaBhagavan

Where there is division, there is suffering.…Sri AmmaBhagavan

In relationship any effort to understand the other is futile.…Sri AmmaBhagavan

When the mind is silent, you listen from the heart.…Sri AmmaBhagavan

Awakening is a benediction.…Sri AmmaBhagavan

When you love someone you are actually seeking to love yourself.…Sri AmmaBhagavan

Greater your love towards God, greater would be the grace you would witness in your life.

Fear does not lie in any situation. It is within, which keeps surfacing in various guises.

God is personal.…Sri AmmaBhagavan

The basic function of ego is hurt.…Sri AmmaBhagavan

Expecting or seeking love has become more important than sharing or giving love.

Self plays ego games to make you feel separate from the other.…Sri AmmaBhagavan

The greater part of life can never be understood but only experienced.…Sri AmmaBhagavan

The mind sees everything as imperfect. It is dissatisfied with everything.…Sri AmmaBhagavan

Genuine love can overcome quarrels, depression and even stress.…Sri AmmaBhagavan

Awakening is to realize that there is nobody to be awakened.…Sri AmmaBhagavan

Oneness is not a state to be achieved or practiced but a benediction to be received.