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Russia 25 Dec 2011

 Webcast with Sri Bhagavan and Russia, December 25, 2011

Question 1: Dear Bhagavan, could you please tell us about a new powerful deeksha of the year 2012, given through the eyes, about which you told us during the Darshans and which was given to us in our Deepening Process in November this year.  How is that deeksha going to be transferred to people and how is the process of initiation of the trainers of Russia and ex-Soviet countries going to happen?  Will the trainers be initiated during the upcoming Trainer`s Course in March 2012 in Oneness University?  What will be the role of the trainers and deeksha givers in the year 2012? 
With gratitude to you, beloved Bhagavan.

Bhagavan:These deekshas would be very powerful and would push people into awakened states. The training for this would be given in Russia and the ex-Soviet Union, as well as, at the Oneness University. The primary role of the trainers in 2012 is to push people into awakened states. Once you are in awakened states, if things go naturally, you should be awakened in the next six months.

Question 2: Dear Bhagavan, in Amma's book it is said: "When the time for transition comes, Divine  Presence will absorb the whole of humanity like a vast flow and will fully change its consciousness." Also, other spiritual movements are talking about the transition and are connecting major reasons of transformation of human consciousness to it. Dear Bhagavan, can you explain what it this transition?  Is it some particular date on the calendar, some particular position of the cosmic bodies or something else?  How do we know and feel that the transition is happening?  And would it be possible for unawakened people to get awakening during this transition?  Love you very much.


Bhagavan:It is not a particular day in the calendar. What people would experience is a change of perception. Not that all of humanity would be awakened, but gradually they would all move into an awakened state. You must learn to distinguish between the awakened state and awakening. They would first move into awakened states and gradually become awakened.

Question 3: Namaste, dear Bhagavan, we are practicing the process of Varadeeksha Mala now.  While doing this particular ritual I feel a lot of resistance inside, noticing that I'm doing it mechanically, having my thoughts somewhere else. The mind wants to finish it off as soon as possible, though in the very beginning I was full of enthusiasm and joy. Will such performance of the sadhana, with such a resistance of the mind be efficient and fruitful?  My endless gratitude for innumerable miracles in my life. Please bless me, precious Bhagavan. I love you. Pranam.

Bhagavan:Most of our problems arise in the unconscious. The Varadeeksha Mala communicates with the unconscious. It is a language which the unconscious understands. It changes your unconscious program and thus changes your life. If there is resistance, please become aware of the resistance.  That is enough.


Question 4: Dear Sri Bhagavan, I heard that from March 2012 the "Mukhtas Day" are going to be held in the Oneness Temple, where the awakened ones will be meditating along with you and Amma. Will those days be meant only for Indians or for Westerners as well?  How will you be identifying whether the person is awakened or not?  We would love to take part in those meditations along with you, if we are sufficiently qualified of course.  My wholehearted gratitude to you and Amma for everything.

Bhagavan: It's meant for people from all over the world and when you come to us, we would know whether you are awakened or not.

Question 5: Dear Bhagavan, during the Russian trainer`s course last year you told us that most probably the Oneness Trainers will be the last to get awakened, that it will happen to them later than the others, and it's better for the whole process.  Dear Bhagavan, please share your vision for the trainers in 2012.  Will the trainers be getting awakened and join the army of 70,000 awakened people or do we have a different goal? Love and hug.

Bhagavan:In the initial stages unawakened trainers would help others become awakened. But gradually before the end of the year, they too would be awakened and once they are awakened their deekshas would be extremely powerful.

Question 6: Dear Sri Bhagavan, we are so happy to have you with us. Thanks so much for all the help, we are getting from you.  We are witnessing that awakening is really happening on a larger and larger scale in Russia and across the globe. We are so happy for that.  At the same time various contradictions are manifesting and worsening in the society at large. Various conflicts are taking place every now and then in Russia, Kazakhstan, Ukraine and Belorussia, including the conflicts between the governments of the above-mentioned countries. Dear Bhagavan, please bless us, our countries and people for the peaceful, happy and joyous life, for the awakening into Oneness. Once again thank you very much.

Bhagavan:  I will bless.

Question 7: Dear Bhagavan, how can we speed up the process of realizing ourselves as consciousness, as "I am?" Does awakening happen when it has to happen?  Is it predetermined? Or does it happen when the body or the soul is ready for it? Does it depend on my efforts?  Why do some people get there earlier and others later?  What does it depend on? Thank you that you are with us.

Bhagavan:  Awakening is a gift from the Divine, but one must be capable of receiving it. All the preparation is to prepare you for receiving the gift and the time is fast approaching for most of humanity to receive this gift.

Question 8: Namaste.  A month ago I lost my only daughter. She passed away. It feels like everything within me died as well. I am not able to hear my heart and my intelligence, as if I am stuck up in a flow of grief which I am not able to come out of.  The worst is that I don't want anything. I have no desires, not even a fear of death. What should I do? How to step into 2012?

Bhagavan:  Like a butterfly emerges from the chrysalis, in 2012 you too would emerge into awakening.

Question 9: Dear father, I am thanking you for having you. Since the last three months some strange things have been happening to me. Sometimes I see the thoughts of people, or I leave the body in the night and see myself sleeping, or I am not able to understand anything just doing things automatically, moving around like a zombie, without thoughts, not feeling the body.  The mind not being able to understand anything is resisting the whole thing.  After such an experience I feel totally exhausted.  I am protesting the whole creation at one moment and feel deep love at the other.  I am running away from this state since it has never happened to me before.   Dear father, tell me what to do?  How to experience it?  When I face it I fall down so deep and then fear arises, and also I have become like an x-ray scanner, seeing what is important for the person,  what happened in his past.  What's happening to me, dear father?

Bhagavan:Stay with the "what is." You are on the right track. You are only inches away from awakening.

Question 10: Namaste, my beloved Sri Bhagavan, please guide us how to work efficiently with the weekly and daily teachings. My gratitude to you. Pranam.

Bhagavan: As far as the teachings are concerned, you must understand that what the teaching says is something which you are not. You must not try to follow the teaching. You must constantly see how it is not true for you.  Seeing how it is not true for you is the practice. Truth is what... [break in recording at 17:35]. Let us say the teaching says you have to love all that is. Your role is to see that you do not love all that is.  Seeing the truth that you do not love all that is, is the process. But if you practice love you are far away from the truth. That is not the process.

Question 11: Dear Bhagavan, is the next year auspicious for giving birth to a child?

Bhagavan: Very much. It would be very, very auspicious.

Question 12: Hello dear Bhagavan, my dearest God.  A month ago I completed my deepening process in the Oneness University.  In the process we were working on opening up the chakras and raising the kundalini.  Is it possible that after returning home the chakras get imbalanced again and the energy drainage happens?  I feel mostly run down and sleeping all the time. Thanking you for your endless love and Divine Presence.

Bhagavan: Your energy should come back very soon.

Question 13: Namaste dear Bhagavan, in your teachings you speak about the awakened and unawakened ones. Those are contrasting notions. You are saying that if we are unawakened, we shouldn't behave ourselves like we're awakened ones. Dear Bhagavan isn't there any gradation in this process? Is it possible that consciousness can expand gradually from one experience to another?  We are talking about the mind, but there is also the notion of intelligence. In Sanskrit it is manas and buddhi.  So when we start to tune in to the Divine, aren't we acting from the level of intelligence/buddhi?  Could you please explain this? Thank you very much dear Bhagavan.

Bhagavan: Whether it is manas or buddhi, it does not matter.  All that is required is you must be aware of what is going on. It does not matter what is going on. You have to stay with the "what is going on." Then that becomes the process and the process takes you where you should go. So it's most important to realize your unawakened state because that is the truth and you've got to stay with it. But if you try to behave like the awakened one, you are lost.

Question 14: Beloved Bhagavan, what to do if I am scared to face myself?  How to progress in it effectively?  Thank you.

Bhagavan: Your first thing is you must try to run away from the fear. That is a very practical way of functioning.  But when the fear chases you and finally catches you, allow yourself to be eaten by the fear. Until you have that strength, please keep trying to run away from the fear. But there will come a point when it will catch you. There, instead of struggling, easily give in. Allow the fear to swallow you and strangely you would find the fear is gone. The moment you stop running away from fear, there is no fear. The running away is the fear. But initially do not do it [referring to "stop running away from fear"].  Run away from your fear.

Question 15: Dear Bhagavan, to live in a state of gratitude and to realize the Grace, to surrender to the situations, rather than judge them, all of that started to bring unconditional love and happiness. It brings tears to my eyes when the values are changing to real ones. Thank you for everything that you are doing for us.

Bhagavan:All my blessings.

Question 16: Dear Bhagavan, my biggest concern is the health: the health of myself, my family and the society which we are living in. Please help us to know what we have to pay special attention to and what do we do in the first place, in order to improve people's health?

Bhagavan: All you must do is stay with the "what is." Health would naturally come.

Question 17: Dear Bhagavan, it so happened that now I don't participate in any rituals or processes that you are giving to us.  I have such a resistance and unacceptance of them.  Does that mean that the process of the Awakening will be more complicated or it won't happen at all?

Bhagavan: Please become aware of your resistance. That is the process for you. You too would get there.

Question 18: Namaste dear Amma and Bhagavan,  I've started to participate in the Varadeeksha Mala ritual, I had a huge desire to do so and I thought that it would be possible for me to get up early and perform everything as I should. But something happened inside me and I wasn't able to wake up  early two  days in the row.  On the third day I got sick. Now I take medicines and I don't get up early.  So I quit my participation in the ritual. Will this somehow affect my family or my health? Sorry I didn't make it, don't even know what has happened to me. With love.

Bhagavan: Not at all. Stopping anywhere would not harm you in any way.  You would still get some benefits.

Now that the questions are over we could meditate for a few minutes.