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Ron Roth and Bhagavan

A Divine Meeting of East and West

Once again, our teacher Ron Roth has been designated as the spiritual leader of the American segment of a worldwide spiritual presence. And this time, the summons came literally through a sacred voice in the night.




Sri Bhagavan, the Indian avatar with an international following estimated at 20-30 million people, has confirmed Ron as the Divinely intended individual to assist him in the Oneness Movement, a massive meditation project designed to bring about world peace through the spread of enlightenment over the next few years. The confirmation came only days after Ron was awakened numerous times on the night of Monday, Feb. 14, by a voice repeatedly chanting the name: "Sri Bhagavan". Though Bhagavan is an internationally known figure, he is largely unknown in this country, and Ron did not recognize the name that was repeated to him about fifty times that night. During the next few days, however, information surfaced about the Indian avatar and his grand plan for world enlightenment. Sri Bhagavan and his wife Sri Amma reside at Sathyaloka Monastery in South India, not far from the city of Chennai. Miracles of healing and manifestation are said to be commonplace in their presence.



Their followers are building a new community known as the Golden City, and they work to educate and feed the rural poor of India. But Bhagavan's primary mission is world peace through enlightenment. He has initiated an extraordinary plan to spread enlightenment throughout the world on such a scale that major changes for the better in world conditions will be effected by the efforts of a meditation force of some 64,000 people. The principles of the project and the number of people needed are derived from the same national and international research projects into prayer and meditation effectiveness that Ron has been teaching about for years.

To build up both the meditation force and the enlightened population that will respond appropriately, Bhagavan has empowered a "seed of enlightenment" energy transference that blesses all who receive it with the benefits only a fully enlightened master can bestow, and he has directed Ron Roth (Sri Ronji) to implement this effort in the United States. While thousands of people in other countries have received the transference and many have followed up by going to India for retreats to join the enlightenment project, little headway has been made in America, obviously a crucial nation for the project.


Within a few days of Ron's hearing Sri Bhagavan's name throughout the night, contact was made with Sri Rani, the Movement's international director. Her follow-up contact with Bhagavan produced the confirmation that Ron indeed had been indicated as the Divinely selected individual to bring the enlightenment work to America. In the ancient tradition of India, he also received a new name as an honored spiritual teacher: Sri Ronji. The first joint venture of this new spiritual alliance came at the Intensive in Sedona when Sri Rani appeared and performed the ritual known as Oneness Blessing, transferring the seed of enlightenment to all 400 people in attendance. Many people have reported surprising and positive effects from the experience.


Having just returned from India the same has happened to The Bishops and Monks who made the trip with Ron. The group who accompanied Ron were Bishops Paul Funfsinn, Theresa Cordova, Roger Montgomery and John Cordova and Monks Ginta Kizys, Jean Michel Bosc and Miriane Le-Barzic.

One example of the movement already happening.

On the return flight from India Ginta was approached by a flight attendant who asked about Ron. Ginta explained why they made the trip and what Ron was doing. The flight attendant proclaimed that Ron was glowing. In due course Ron awoke and spoke with the flight attendant. He explained healing and Oneness Blessing, before he knew it 7 flight attendants were waiting to be blessed for Healing and Enlightenment.

While in India Sri Bhagavan had a special ceremony & ritual for Ron in which Bhagavan layed hands on Ron bestowing the grace to do this Healing Oneness Blessing work. (which we at Celebrating Life now refer to as Enlightened Spiritual Healing). He also gifted Ron with two of his personal stoles and a new name Sri Satchitananda. Which means three aspects of God, Consciousness, Existence and Bliss. All attendees to the upcoming events in Florida and the Intensive in November will be experiencing the Healing Oneness Blessing work.