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March 9th Sacred Chambers experiences

Excerpts of real life written experiences from Sacred Chamber process 

Chamber 1, 2 and 3 experiences in pt form below

-Some people reported going in deep states in Chamber 1, deepest relaxation, silence, stillness and state within, at the same time being aware of everything. A state of deep witnessing happened for them accompanied by bliss being in the present moment.

-Bhagavan eyes alive, opened more wider and moving, Bhagavan was smiling

-Amma similing lovingly

-Bhagavan and Amma nodded heads and listening to peoples prayers some reported

-face of Kalki rapidly changing

-3D amma bhagavan from Sri Murthi

-Touch by amma on hand

-Face of Jesus in chambers kept changing forms

-Experience of Lord Krishna and Shiva

-Amma bhagavan both smiling

-Deekshas from padukas strong and some repeated heat from Padukas

-Several deep realisations and insights into issues surrounding people were given by their divine so they can be aware of it.

-Waves of energy going throughout the body

-healing happened of certain parts of the body during the session, prana energy flowing through

very actively.

-Three peoples prayers were answered on the day during the process, confirmations recd.

-Guidance from Kalki to resolve certain problems was given and a process given by him to the participant to follow.

-Waves of strong energy rushed in and around as entrance was made into the chambers for some participants

-lots of deep release of anger, hurt-released in the chambers, emotional healing took place

-Very strong electrical current like deekshas ran throughout the body, activating each cell, very powerful process happened within in the chambers

-Beautiful loving energy and comfortable feeling of being with the divine

-Feelings of complete contentment, peace, stillness and happiness and bliss

-No thoughts, mind completely still

-Tremendous increase in bond with the participants personal divine happened as well, which is awesome.