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Mar/Apr-Jun Webcast Teachings

June 23rd to June 29th

"The Awakened One does not resist the what is.

The unawakened one resists the what is."

June 16th to June 22nd

"The Awakened One constantly dies to the past.

The unawakened one lives to the past."

June 9th to June 15th

"The Awakened One lives in the present.

The unawakened one lives in the past or future"

June 2nd to June 8th

"The Awakened one is controlled by the senses

The unawakened one controls the senses"

May 26th to June 1st

"The Awakened one's mind is disengaged.

The Unawakened one's mind is engaged"

May 19th to May 25th

"The Awakened one is detached

The unawakened one is indifferent"

May 12th to May 18th


 "The Awakened one experiences no freedom of choice

The unawakened one experiences freedom of choice" 


May 5th to May 11th


"The Awakened one lives in the mystery that life is

The unawakened one tries to understand what life is"


April 28th to May 4th

 "The Awakened one is free of the mind

The unawakened one is a prisoner of the mind"


 April 21st to April 27th

"The Awakened one sees awareness as an end in itself.

The unawakened one sees awareness as a means to an end"


 April 14th to April 20th

"The Awakened one has nothing personal

The unawakened one takes everything personally"


April 7th to April 13th

 "The Awakened one has a still mind

The unawakened one has a restless mind"


 Mar 31st to 6th April 2013

"The Awakened one experiences unconditional love and unconditional joy

The unawakened one experiences conditional love and conditional joy"