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Darshan with Russia 12 April 2014

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3x Jai bolo AmmaBhagavan ki jai!

Namaste Bhagavan, can you hear us? [Nods.]

There are 100 cities in Russia, Ukraine, in Belorussia, Kazakhstan, in Estonia, Lithuania, in many other countries. We're gathering together, and there are 10.000 people attending part in this skype with you, Bhagavan. And we're so happy to see you and we're so happy to hear your Padapranam, dear Bhagavan. We love you, Bhagavan.


Can we start, Bhagavan, with questions? [Nods.]


Q1. Dear Bhagavan, could you please explain us what Oneness is. How will our life change if we are in the Oneness state? How does it reflect on our family, occupation, on current events in our life? Thank you so much, Bhagavan.


Sri Bhagavan: According to Oneness, we are a crowd inside ourselves. There are 7 personalities talking all the time, and mostly in conflict. Oneness aims to bring about Oneness among all these personalities and shut down the inner dialog. Once the inner dialog is shut down, you are in Oneness. When you are in Oneness, generally speaking, whatever you want, you'll get. Oneness basically aims at fulfillment. Its first focus is acquiring of wealth. Having acquired wealth it helps you to fulfill your desires. Having fulfilled your desires your self begins to expand. Instead of merely being self-centered you are concerned about your family and friends. You become concerned about the whole of society. As it expands further then you are concerned about your country. As it expands further, then you're concerned about the whole world. As it expands still further then you are concerned about the animals, the plants.?? 


But you start with Oneness inside, and you become very receptive.You acquire wealth and you fulfill your desires. And then your self ?? Oneness is not 'the' way, it is 'a' way. You can also get there by supressing yourself, by controlling your desires and through asceticism. That is also a way. But Oneness does not subscribe to that way. 


Oneness says: "Fulfill yourself. Let self be fully expressed." And that way it expands to an extent where you alone exist. That is, you become everything. Again, we repeat, we do not say that: "This is the path." This is also a path. If it suits you, you could take it.


Q2. Namaste, dear Bhagavan. Please explain us how awakening helps us in our everyday life. Money gives us financial freedom, health gives us mobility, relationships provide ability to experience feelings. And what does awakening give us? Thank you so much, dear Bhagavan.


Sri Bhagavan: The universe is so structured that whatever you want, you must get. It could be money, it could be health, it could be relationship, or it could be significance. If it is not happening, there are some problems inside you. Awakening solves these problems. Once the problems are solved, you automatically get fulfilled. You would get what you want, because that is the structure of the universe. And fulfillment is a way to spiritual growth. It is not that you must suffer and struggle to spiritually grow. You could fulfill yourself and grow. Oneness is not about renouncing the world. Oneness is all about being active and participating in this world. And that way you become spiritually fulfilled. You become spiritually evolved. You discover unconditional love and limitless joy. Oneness handles all your problems - through awakening.


Thank you, Bhagavan, thank you so much.


Q3. Namaste, Bhagavan. The majority of us seek for the support of the higher force. We seek the help of God, but it often happens when we hear about the physical Divine manifesting, we feel confused. There are thoughts appear that our sort of life is absolutely not the ideal one. Or there are some doubts arising that we have to follow some religion. We are not used to the thought that God might be a part of our everyday life. How in fact God could become a part of a life of a business man or a housewife if we're living in a world we live? Thank you, Bhagavan.


Sri Bhagavan: Oneness is not a religion. You could worship any God you want in any form you want. You could have any kind of relationship. All that Oneness says is your God is your God and God is non-judging, non-punishing, God is essentially your friend. How your God would relate to you, depends on you. For a business man, God would run his company. For a housewife God would help her with the household chores. For a doctor he would be the operating theatre. God becomes your family member. You could walk and talk with God. The problem is that it is so new that it is confusing to you. But in very early times it was so. 


More and more people across the world are getting used to it. Initially you could have some problems, but soon it would be over. When you discover that God is loving, is concerned about you and is non-judging, you want nothing more in life. Without God you're an orphan. With God, how could you have problems? Your life completely transforms itself. What you get through attending many courses and many teachings, you'll get in no time. That is why we call it the short way. It is now happening because the energies around the planet have changed. We happen to be those lucky ones.


Thank you, Bhagavan. Thank you so much.


Q4. Dear Sri Bhagavan. Thank you very much for this wonderful opportunity to see you. Please tell us about the sacred chambers process and please give us your advice about what is the best way to participate in the sacred chambers process. Thank you, Bhagavan.


Sri Bhagavan: The simplest thing about the sacred chambers is you must become like a child. That is all that is required. But to solve your problems there is a particular order in which you must go through the chambers. You must go to that chamber first where your karma is cleared. Then you must go to the chamber where your program is changed. If you want money, you must go to that chamber where God gives you money. Or if you want health, you must go to that chamber where you get health. Again, you want a cure for cancer, you must go to that chamber where the cure for cancer is happening. Suppose you have schizophrenia or depression, you must go that that chamber where they are being cured. If you have an eye problem, you must go to that chamber where eye problems are set right. 


There are 30 varieties of chambers. Soon there'll be more. We hope all these chambers would soon arise in Russia and in other countries. Accordingly you must go. You could solve all your financial problems if you go to a chamber where karma is cleared and your program is changed and it'll be a money chamber. And see how fast money comes to you. If your situation is very, very bad and desperate, money might straight come out of the picture itself. Try it and see.


Q5. Dear Bhagavan, which of my service will be so pleasant for Bhagavati Bhagavan that he will want to live in my home physically? Thank you, Bhagavan, for the gift of meeting you. With love.


Sri Bhagavan: Loving talk and praise is what God wants. Talk in a loving way and keep praising God. And God will be very very happy to be with you physically.


Thank you, Bhagavan, thank you.


Q6. Dear Bhagavan, could you please tell us what learning is. How can one help this process to really happen in his or her life? Similar situations replicate in my life but the learning had not happened till now. Thank you, dear Bhagavan.


Sri Bhagavan: Oneness says the world will become heaven. When it says that, Oneness does not mean the world would change. What Oneness means is you would change whereby the world would look like heaven. The same world, the same people, the same wife, the same children. Everything is the same, but it would all look very, very different. That is, your perception about people and the world would have changed. That is the change we're talking about. For that to happen you must understand that nothing is wrong with the world. And that all is wrong is with you. If you could get that perception, we call that learning. All the Oneness teachings ultimately aim to show you that all the fault is with you. If you could see that, that is learning. Once that happens, you live in paradise.


Thank you, Bhagavan, thank you so much.


Q7. Namaste, dear Bhagavan. How can I find out my Swadharma in life and my final occupation? How to devote in full to this and not to waste myself for any other thing? How can one combine this with profitability and prosperity? Thank you in advance.


Sri Bhagavan: You could discover your Swadharma, only God tells you that. God must speak to you internally or externally. And if you discover your Swadharma, you will never have any problems with money or any other problem. Everything is automatically taken care of and you start living.


Thank you, Bhagavan, thank you.


Q8. Dear Bhagavan, I'm very grateful for all the grace which manifests in my life. But there are things which still disturb me. It's my attitude towards people. Though I feel how much God loves me, I often notice that I don't love people, that their pain doesn't touch me, that there is no compassion in my heart. How to make my heart flower, Bhagavan? Thank you very much.


Sri Bhagavan: One way is to stay with the fact that you do not have love. But if you want to make it happen fast, then ask your God to change it. Then it is very, very fast. It is up to you to make the choice whether you want to do it on your own or seek the help of the Divine.


Thank you, Bhagavan.


Q9. Dear Bhagavan, thank you for everything that you have been giving us. Thanks to your teachings, I understand that God is present in my life. We often feel the presence of the Divine in our life. But the state is not stable. Sometimes it's stronger, sometimes weaker. Why is it in the most difficult situations, we lose the presence and the connection is not felt? How to get support or advice from the Divine in such moments? I also understand that I have to invite Divine to all my activities but in practise I almost always forget about it. Please give me an advice how to improve and strengthen the connection with my Divine. Thank you very much, dear father.


Sri Bhagavan: In such circumstances you should loudly, openly call out to the Divine. The most powerful prayer would be the "Jai bolo" prayer. You would get the response within minutes. But you must openly shout out loud.


Thank you, Bhagavan. Thank you so much.


Q10. Namaste, dear Bhagavan. Thank you for all the blessings. All that you blessed me for manifested beautifully in my life. Thank you for the health and awakening of my parents. In spite of all their resistance it's happening. Thank you for setting right my personal life and here I'm seeing an intense growth. Thank you for the awareness which you began to manifest in my life. Thank you for the close connection with the Divine. Thank you for the opportunity to serve the awakening of the people. 


My question: All in all I'm often in a good state. Even when some negative moments are experienced, I don't have a feeling of suffering. But it happens that when there is a strong feeling of separation, which is felt by the whole body, it's so intense that almost immediately the helplessness arises and a sincere prayer for the liberation of suffering. 


The Divine comes and does something miraculous from which the sensitivity of the heart becomes much stronger and I start feeling life in my heart, feeling people and the events very, very brightly. Then it leaves until the next meeting with the spiritual suffering. Could you please tell me: Is the growth always accompanied by spiritual suffering? Thank you, Bhagavan.


Sri Bhagavan: Not at all. It need not accompanied by spiritual suffering. It is happening so in your case. Your process is nearing completion. It has been very good preparation. I think very soon in one of the chambers you'll become completely transformed. All the brain changes would have happened. And you would be in a permanent state.


Thank you, Bhagavan, thank you so much.


Q11. Dear Bhagavan, in the process we were told that the awakening experience or an awakened state is a chemical reaction in the brain. These states lead to neurobiological changes of the brain, which is the awakening. In one of the February's teachings of the week you say: "Awakening experiences do not make an awakened One." Could you please explain this contradiction. Thank you for your grace and the awakening. Pranam.


Sri Bhagavan: What we mean by that is if the experience is mystical in nature, then you'd not get awakened. Without necessary brain changes you could still get mystical experiences. Mystically you could feel you're awakened. That would not make you awakened. Physical and chemical changes must happen in the brain to be truly awakened. 


That is why our teaching "Mystical experiences do not a mystic make." We need physical and neurobiological changes. Those changes your physical Divine is talking about. Then it becomes very, very easy. Otherwise keep going on working until it happens. You could do it even without the help of the Divine, but it is the long way. Taking the help of the Divine is the short way. If you do not believe in the Divine, if you do not like the Divine, then you could use the other way. Nothing is compulsory. You have total freedom. Freedom is the essence of Oneness. Oneness is not only Oneness, it is also openness.


Thank you, Bhagavan, thank you.


Q12. Dear beloved Bhagavan, could you please explain the teaching: "Thought has the habit of projecting the opposite." My gratitude to you for the awakening and the revelation of real life.


Sri Bhagavan: Thought is essentially measurement. In order to measure, it has got to postulate the opposite. That is why you're full of opposites. That is why we have so much division inside us. That is why we have so much conflict inside us. We must see the mischief?? of thought. Thought is very helpful. Thought has given us very wonderful things. But thought also gives us conflict and misery. If you'd see that happening inside you, you become free. That is why we say: "To see is to be free."


Thank you, Bhagavan, thank you.


Q13. Namaste, beloved Bhagavan. It's hard to express the deepness of my gratitude and my happiness for the acquaintance with Oneness, awakening, the Golden City, and you. Thank you for everything you have done and keep doing for me. I especially thank you for the deepening process. It was a priceless gift, I will be conscious of its value for the rest of my life. Bhagavan, it's said that the level of awakening and the level of consciousness are two different things, but could you please explain how awakening can lead us to Oneness?

We already know how to raise the level of awakening: We should stay with the "what is", but what should we do to raise our level of consciousness? What should we practise? We want to thank you for everything that you are giving us. Thank you, Bhagavan.


Sri Bhagavan: The level of awakening indicates as to how long you'd be able to stay with the "what is" without effort. The level of consciousness indicates how much your self has expanded and at what level it is. At the lower levels it's only concerned about survival. In the higher levels, it's concerned about accomplishment. At still higher levels it is concerned about significance. At still higher levels it's concerned about sustaining the other. That is, the other becomes very important. At still higher levels you're concerned about the earth itself. At still higher levels you can feel that you are the universe. That is growth in consciousness. As levels of awakening grow, automatically the levels of consciousness also keeps growing.


Thank you, Bhagavan, thank you so much.


Q14. Dear Bhagavan, it has been one and a half years since I got awakened, and I'm very glad that there is less and less suffering and resistance each day, but why am I not able to feel joy and happiness? Thank you, Bhagavan.


Sri Bhagavan: Changes which must happen in the brain to produce joy and happiness have not yet occurred. But from your question, I get the feeling it's soon going to happen. Please go to the Chambers, it could definitely happen there. Of course you must go to the appropriate chambers, and I hope such chambers are in Russia.


Thank you, Bhagavan, thank you.


Q15. Namaste, dear Bhagavan. This question is about the situation in the Ukraine. We all have our own assumptions and options here, but truly we don't know, Bhagavan, we just want peace. We want all people to be happy. Bhagavan, please tell us what we can do from our side for this. Maybe some prayers or sadhanas? Thank you for helping us, Bhagavan.


Sri Bhagavan: If people in Russia as well as in Ukraine would collectively do a "Jai bolo" prayer for peace, then there would definitely be peace.


Thank you, Bhagavan, thank you so much.


Love you all so much, love you.


Can we pray now Bhagavan in your presence?



We love you, Bhagavan, we love you so much, we love you.


Gratitude to Torsten Landmann from Germany for preparing the transcript.


Jai Bolo Bhagavathi Bhagavan Ki Jai

Jai Bolo Bhagavathi Bhagavan Ki Jai

Jai Bolo Bhagavathi Bhagavan Ki Jai